Rohen is Maureen's youngest son. Although not yet four, he's quite an independent chap already. Rohen's little sister Lucia came along when he was only two and a half, which is very young for an infant chimp to be relegated to second priority by mum. But Rohen didn't seem too troubled by the experience and enjoys romping around with Lucia. Rohen is the proud owner of the largest pair of ears in Bulindi.
Thanks and big pant-hoots to all who have supported the Bulindi Chimpanzee & Community Project since its inception in 2014. With your help, the project successfully engaged with local households and halted two decades of deforestation: as a result, the Bulindi Chimps' future is looking brighter with each day! We've recently expanded our project to neighboring sites to increase our impact and help other communities of imperilled chimpanzees.
January 2019